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Company News, Southampton Manor

Southampton Manor Raises £679 for Local Cancer Charity at Summer Fete

We are thrilled to announce that Southampton Manor Care Home raised an incredible £679.09 during our recent Summer Fête, held on the 20th of July. The money was raised through a variety of fundraising activities, such as tombola – and beautifully crafted items made by our talented residents.

This fantastic achievement is a testament to the dedication and generosity of the Southampton Manor team and community, who worked tirelessly to make the event a success. It was a joy to see so many people come together in support of a wonderful cause.

The funds raised will be donated to a small, local charity that provides much-needed practical and emotional support to individuals and families affected by cancer. These vital donations help the charity continue to offer a place of calm and reassurance for patients and their loved ones during difficult times. Every contribution enables them to enhance their services and create a welcoming environment for those in need.

A special thank you goes to all the staff, residents, and visitors who helped make the day memorable. The charity expressed their deep gratitude for the warm welcome they received and shared how much the community’s support means to their ongoing work.

At Southampton Manor, we are proud to support local charities and bring our community together for meaningful causes.