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Company News, Rivermere

All Aboard The Rivermere Express

Although some travel restrictions may still in place for the rest of the world, they have certainly been lifted for the residents at Rivermere as they embarked on their very own trip aboard the Rivermere Express. At the end of April, the in-house automotive pulled into the home to begin its ‘journey’, encouraging the residents to explore different cultures and spark conversation. Each week, the train virtually travels to a foreign country and has ventured to Spain, Italy, France and Bulgaria, with many other popular European destinations to go.

Each week, the staff at Rivermere have done an excellent job decorating the home with flags and crossing off the countries visited on a scratch map on display. Deputy Manager, Agnes, said, “Travelling is something most of our residents enjoy: many of them have been fortunate to travel to several countries and are always keen to share these experiences.” Rivermere’s Head Chef has prepared a delicious menu for each of the countries the residents ‘visit’, consisting of a traditional style meal, which has gone down a treat so far. Residents are also encouraged to dress up for each destination they visit, either in traditional clothing or the flag’s colours. Next stop, Belgium!