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Company News, Scholars Mews

Penguin Party! Scholars Mews Resident Celebrates 80th Birthday with Waddling Guests

Bill Gourlay, resident at Scholars Mews Care Home in Stratford-upon-Avon, recently celebrated his 80th birthday on 14th May.

To mark this impressive milestone, Bill’s daughter Isabelle arranged a special surprise visit from two penguins, courtesy of Heythrop Zoo in Chipping Norton. All the residents had a wonderful time cuddling the penguins and watching them waddle around the home.

Isabelle said, “The visit exceeded my expectations, I have to say. They’re such funny creatures, and you could feel the joy in the room as soon as they waddled in.

“Dad and all our family loved it, and that we were all allowed to hold them was an added bonus.”

Bill was delighted to have his three daughters, son, and grandson join him in celebrating his birthday. Later that day, he enjoyed a delicious lunch with his family, which was topped off with a homemade birthday cake.

Reflecting on the day, Regional Director, Lesley Mason said, “It’s wonderful to see how much joy this brought Bill and all the residents at Scholars Mews. We are so proud of the warm and friendly atmosphere we provide for residents and their loved ones, who are very much at the heart of all we do at Scholars Mews.”