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Pat Partington resident ambassador
Company News, Derby Heights, Derby, Derbyshire

A Chat with Pat

Patricia Partington is Avery’s Resident Ambassador, with real first-hand experience of placing relatives into care. Highly articulate, approachable and popular with staff, we were delighted when Pat accepted this post to bring to life the view of a family member. We see this as an essential aspect in our continual journey to improve resident and relatives experiences of care in our homes.

Pat Partington with staff

Pat’s husband, John, was a resident at Derby Heights Care Home, having suffered a brain haemorrhage that led to vascular dementia. Before that, Pat had also selected a care home for her mother. She is therefore able to provide valuable feedback and guidance to our staff from a relatives perspective and be part of supporting the very best care for our residents. A vital part of this is for the care home team and family members to work together, with regular and effective communications, to ensure the best outcomes and experiences for resident and relative alike.

In her informal talks with staff, Pat shares her experience of having a parent in care, compared to a spouse. It’s important for staff to know that relatives have differing needs depending on how they are related to the resident. She speaks about the requirements of residents and relatives when they come to view a care home, and how staff can make the best impression at these times. She also discusses the admissions process and shares her belief that ‘moving in day’ is a key moment that requires full support.

Pat Partington

To close her sessions, Pat talks about how relatives deal with their loved one passing away. She explains aspects of her husband’s situation, how she and her family felt during this time and stresses the importance of how staff could respond, providing examples of good practice she experienced at Derby Heights.

Although not part of any formal training, this well-presented insight gives staff a valuable perspective on how they can meet and exceed the needs of a resident and their relatives. Thank you, Pat!

Article by Abbie Strowbridge-Knight, Marketing Assistant, for Welcome Home Issue 11.